Qualified, Capable, Dedicated
The Prospect Democratic Town Committee works to recruit and elect capable, qualified local Democrats to municipal offices and support the election of Democrats to state and national offices.
Sidewalks to be installed from St. Anthony Church to Hotchkiss Field
The Town Council voted unanimously to accept a $752,288 grant award to Prospect for the installation of sidewalks along the westerly edge of the Route 69 roadway from the Union City Rd/ Route 68 to Hotchkiss field for a distance of approximately 3100 linear feet.
New 5-foot-wide concrete sidewalk will generally be located a distance from the edge of the road or curb, providing for a green belt or utility strip serving as a buffer to separate pedestrians from live traffic. The grant was obtained from
LOTCIP* [Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program], a program that provides State funds to municipal governments through Regional Planning Organizations for Transportation projects of regional significance, including reconstruction, pavement, bridge rehabilitation, sidewalk, and multi-use trail projects.
Under these grant programs, municipalities are responsible for Design Costs. The Design Proposal from Milone & MacBroom for this sidewalk project for Prospect estimates design costs of $77,700.
LOTCIP* [Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program], a program that provides State funds to municipal governments through Regional Planning Organizations for Transportation projects of regional significance, including reconstruction, pavement, bridge rehabilitation, sidewalk, and multi-use trail projects.
Under these grant programs, municipalities are responsible for Design Costs. The Design Proposal from Milone & MacBroom for this sidewalk project for Prospect estimates design costs of $77,700.
1. What’s a compelling reason to install sidewalks?
The number one compelling reason for sidewalks is SAFETY for pedestrians. Additional anticipated benefits include increased foot traffic for businesses, beautification and promotion of healthy life activity [walking, jogging, etc.]
2. Will the sidewalks measurably improve pedestrian safety?
Right now pedestrians use the shoulder of the road to walk, jog or otherwise navigate Route 69; it seems quite evident that any activity would be safer taking place OFF the road[on sidewalks], rather than IN the road.
3. Who will be responsible for maintaining the sidewalks and keeping them clear of snow & ice?
The Town will maintain the sidewalks; this has already been fully discussed at Council meetings.
4. Does this affect our taxes? Mill rate? Why or why not?
Minimal impact on taxes/mil rate. Maintenance of this 1/2 mile of sidewalks will be easily covered by Prospect’s standard public works budget.
5. What’s the consequence for NOT voting for the sidewalks and the $752,288 grant? Will Prospect still be able to apply for grants and receive them?
While Prospect would still be able to apply for grants; turning down this one could possibly have a negative impact on whether or not future grants would actually be awarded.
6. What’s the start date for the sidewalk project to begin?
Design and bidding will take place during Fall/ Winter with plan to begin construction in Spring 2020.
7. How long will it take for the sidewalk project to be completed (from beginning to end)?
Construction is estimated to take 90-120 days, so we could be enjoying sidewalks next summer!
8. How will the local businesses that are along the planned sidewalk route be affected?
Increased foot traffic could enhance businesses as has happened in other towns, such as Cheshire. Since the Town will maintain sidewalks, the businesses will not bear that burden; the sidewalks will be located mostly within the State Right of Way, so impact will be minimal.
9. Will law enforcement be posted at the construction site? If so, how will that affect our town budget (over time)?
Town ordinance requires police presence at construction sites. That expense has not yet been quantified. Overtime can be minimized through proper scheduling - especially since our officers are mostly part time employees; only one is FT.
10. How will traffic be affected in town, especially when schools are let out for the day or during ‘rush’ hour?
As with any construction project, the goal will be to minimize traffic tie ups.
11. As long as the road is being dug up, will sewer lines be installed for future use? We all know there are problems with the septic systems for businesses all along Route 69.
a) This grant has been awarded for sidewalks only; b) sewers in Prospect are a very separate, distinct and contentious issue; c) sewers are never installed under sidewalks, only under roadways; and d) there are NO GRANTS for sewer installations..
12. Will the town be liable if someone falls on the sidewalk?
Sidewalks will be covered under the Town’s blanket liability insurance.
13. Where can I read the 2017 Road Safety Audit or the Let’s Walk Study prior to the hearing?
Click the links: Let's Walk Pedestrian Safety Plan 2017 Road Safety Audit
Also read: LOTCIP Grant Commitment letter
14. Will sidewalks change our ‘small town feel’?
Sidewalks enhance a friendly, small town feel and will encourage people to "stroll". Placement of benches, flowers, etc., can foster that as well.
15. Will the Americans with Disabilities Act's Title II requirements be met? (Curb ramps providing access to streets and sidewalks)
Absolutely! This is a requirement for construction.
16. How will water run-off and other environmental and utility concerns be addressed?
These will be identified and planned for during the design phase.
17. Will bike riding be permitted on the sidewalks? Will skate boarding be permitted on the sidewalks?
The sidewalks are not being designed to include a separate bike path. At present, we do not have ordinances restricting the use of sidewalks for these activities; it will be prudent to 'wait and see’ before writing new ordinances.
1. What’s a compelling reason to install sidewalks?
The number one compelling reason for sidewalks is SAFETY for pedestrians. Additional anticipated benefits include increased foot traffic for businesses, beautification and promotion of healthy life activity [walking, jogging, etc.]
2. Will the sidewalks measurably improve pedestrian safety?
Right now pedestrians use the shoulder of the road to walk, jog or otherwise navigate Route 69; it seems quite evident that any activity would be safer taking place OFF the road[on sidewalks], rather than IN the road.
3. Who will be responsible for maintaining the sidewalks and keeping them clear of snow & ice?
The Town will maintain the sidewalks; this has already been fully discussed at Council meetings.
4. Does this affect our taxes? Mill rate? Why or why not?
Minimal impact on taxes/mil rate. Maintenance of this 1/2 mile of sidewalks will be easily covered by Prospect’s standard public works budget.
5. What’s the consequence for NOT voting for the sidewalks and the $752,288 grant? Will Prospect still be able to apply for grants and receive them?
While Prospect would still be able to apply for grants; turning down this one could possibly have a negative impact on whether or not future grants would actually be awarded.
6. What’s the start date for the sidewalk project to begin?
Design and bidding will take place during Fall/ Winter with plan to begin construction in Spring 2020.
7. How long will it take for the sidewalk project to be completed (from beginning to end)?
Construction is estimated to take 90-120 days, so we could be enjoying sidewalks next summer!
8. How will the local businesses that are along the planned sidewalk route be affected?
Increased foot traffic could enhance businesses as has happened in other towns, such as Cheshire. Since the Town will maintain sidewalks, the businesses will not bear that burden; the sidewalks will be located mostly within the State Right of Way, so impact will be minimal.
9. Will law enforcement be posted at the construction site? If so, how will that affect our town budget (over time)?
Town ordinance requires police presence at construction sites. That expense has not yet been quantified. Overtime can be minimized through proper scheduling - especially since our officers are mostly part time employees; only one is FT.
10. How will traffic be affected in town, especially when schools are let out for the day or during ‘rush’ hour?
As with any construction project, the goal will be to minimize traffic tie ups.
11. As long as the road is being dug up, will sewer lines be installed for future use? We all know there are problems with the septic systems for businesses all along Route 69.
a) This grant has been awarded for sidewalks only; b) sewers in Prospect are a very separate, distinct and contentious issue; c) sewers are never installed under sidewalks, only under roadways; and d) there are NO GRANTS for sewer installations..
12. Will the town be liable if someone falls on the sidewalk?
Sidewalks will be covered under the Town’s blanket liability insurance.
13. Where can I read the 2017 Road Safety Audit or the Let’s Walk Study prior to the hearing?
Click the links: Let's Walk Pedestrian Safety Plan 2017 Road Safety Audit
Also read: LOTCIP Grant Commitment letter
14. Will sidewalks change our ‘small town feel’?
Sidewalks enhance a friendly, small town feel and will encourage people to "stroll". Placement of benches, flowers, etc., can foster that as well.
15. Will the Americans with Disabilities Act's Title II requirements be met? (Curb ramps providing access to streets and sidewalks)
Absolutely! This is a requirement for construction.
16. How will water run-off and other environmental and utility concerns be addressed?
These will be identified and planned for during the design phase.
17. Will bike riding be permitted on the sidewalks? Will skate boarding be permitted on the sidewalks?
The sidewalks are not being designed to include a separate bike path. At present, we do not have ordinances restricting the use of sidewalks for these activities; it will be prudent to 'wait and see’ before writing new ordinances.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
-- Margaret Mead
-- Margaret Mead